Ceramic Market
in Antibes
10th edition of the Marché de la céramique d'Antibes, organized by the association RAJAC (Résidence Antiboise de Jeunes Artistes Céramistes) with the support of the town hall of Antibes-Juan-les-Pins.
This market is a convivial moment of sharing between visitors and the 35 ceramic and pottery craftsmen. They will present their know-how and show the diversity offered by this material, the earth. Many young ceramicists will be present, between creativity and transmission, you will discover the...10th edition of the Marché de la céramique d'Antibes, organized by the association RAJAC (Résidence Antiboise de Jeunes Artistes Céramistes) with the support of the town hall of Antibes-Juan-les-Pins.
This market is a convivial moment of sharing between visitors and the 35 ceramic and pottery craftsmen. They will present their know-how and show the diversity offered by this material, the earth. Many young ceramicists will be present, between creativity and transmission, you will discover the diversity of the pieces created.
Several activities will be organized during these two days:
• A children’s workshop to discover or rediscover the land, raise awareness and amaze.
• A filming demonstration.
• A favourite stand, to try to win a €50 voucher at the stand of your choice.