L'Atelier du Safranier CULTURAL ACTIVITY Dominique Prévost open the doors of his workshop, located at the heart of the Old Town, just a couple of doors from Port Vauban. Settled in the casema... Antibes 93 € Adult From 1 January until 31 December L'Atelier Arc en Ciel CULTURAL ACTIVITY The Arc en Ciel Workshop offers framing courses or thematic workshops. The techniques are approached according to the projects of each student and acc... Antibes From 1 January until 31 December Workshop Catherine Tapon - peinture CULTURAL ACTIVITY Professional artist since 1988, created ateliers in Normandie 1988/1993, in Polynésie 1993/1996, in Haute-Provence 1998/2020, and installed 3 years ag... Antibes Liberty Arts CULTURAL ACTIVITY Work on your basics, improve certain techniques or even start from scratch, we welcome children, adolescents and adults for the greatest pleasure of a... Antibes Blow your glass CULTURAL ACTIVITY Become a glass-blower ! Antibes From 35 € Adult From 1 January until 31 December La Mektouberie CULTURAL ACTIVITY The Mektouberie offers creative workshops for young and old people ! Tie & dye dyeing workshops From 5 years (4 years accepted with presence of the... Antibes From 40 € Adult From 1 January until 31 December WECANDOO workshop CULTURAL ACTIVITY Learn how to create your notebooks From the age of 12 Antibes
L'Atelier du Safranier CULTURAL ACTIVITY Dominique Prévost open the doors of his workshop, located at the heart of the Old Town, just a couple of doors from Port Vauban. Settled in the casema... Antibes
93 € Adult From 1 January until 31 December L'Atelier Arc en Ciel CULTURAL ACTIVITY The Arc en Ciel Workshop offers framing courses or thematic workshops. The techniques are approached according to the projects of each student and acc... Antibes
From 1 January until 31 December Workshop Catherine Tapon - peinture CULTURAL ACTIVITY Professional artist since 1988, created ateliers in Normandie 1988/1993, in Polynésie 1993/1996, in Haute-Provence 1998/2020, and installed 3 years ag... Antibes
Liberty Arts CULTURAL ACTIVITY Work on your basics, improve certain techniques or even start from scratch, we welcome children, adolescents and adults for the greatest pleasure of a... Antibes
From 35 € Adult From 1 January until 31 December La Mektouberie CULTURAL ACTIVITY The Mektouberie offers creative workshops for young and old people ! Tie & dye dyeing workshops From 5 years (4 years accepted with presence of the... Antibes
From 40 € Adult From 1 January until 31 December WECANDOO workshop CULTURAL ACTIVITY Learn how to create your notebooks From the age of 12 Antibes